Fairfield’s Remembrance Service, hosted by Fairfield Parish Council, will take place at 3pm tomorrow, Sunday 12 November, in the Urban Park. All are warmly invited to attend. The Fairfield Scout Group will be parading from St Luke’s Church to the Urban Park where they will present their colours.

The Fairfield WI Craft group has done itself proud with knitted and crocheted poppy displays, which appeared in the Urban Park earlier this week. In addition to last year’s large poppy banner, which takes pride of place behind the stage, there are several other knitted and crocheted ornaments around the park and topping the postbox on Dickens Boulevard.

Wreaths will be laid by a variety of people and poppies will be available for anyone to lay on the edge of the stage to make their own personal remembrances. Attendees are also invited to make a cash donation to The Royal British Legion – please give what you feel able to.