Fairfield Matters

local news, events and information for Fairfield, Bedfordshire

Terms and Conditions

By submitting material for publication, agreeing to provide material for publication, or by using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms, which take effect immediately. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms please do not access the website or submit material for publication.

Submitted material
When you submit material (for example text, photographs or graphics) to us for publication you warrant that the material or comment is your own original work and will not infringe any person’s rights, including but not limited to intellectual property, privacy or data protection, and further that it is not defamatory or likely to render you or us in breach of any criminal law. We reserve the right to edit submitted material, and to remove it from our website without notice if we deem it necessary; where possible any editing will be undertaken in consultation with you. You retain the copyright in your work but transfer to us the right to publish it in print and online across all our media.

User generated content
We want to encourage discussion and exchange of information on our website, but we ask our community to adhere to the guidelines above for submitted material in their comments, and to remember that this is a public forum and that you are legally responsible for your own contributions. Swearing, spamming and advertising are not allowed. You must not reveal any personal information about any third party, and are advised not to reveal personal information about yourself without careful consideration. We reserve the right to edit or remove any comment without notice and at our sole discretion, and to block users we deem to be abusing the site. If you would like a comment of your own removed, or to refer an abusive comment to us for moderation, please contact us.

Our content and your privacy
We sometimes publish stories, both in our print newsletter and online, which include the names and photographs of local people, and other personal details that are relevant to the story. We always seek permission where we can, and we are particularly careful about publishing children’s personal information online. However, it is not possible to contact everyone, or even to identify everyone who appears in every photograph. If you spot a mention or a picture of yourself on our website and would like it removed, please just let us know.

Use of the website
You agree to use this site only for lawful purposes and in a way that does not infringe the rights of any other person.

By using this website you consent to these terms.